Project Management Weblog

My thoughts and stories on project management on a regular and perpetual basis


What Cell Phone Cameras Are Really Good For

Wondering what that camera phone is good for other than taking some goofy photos of the kids and spouse or getting it confiscated at the health club? Behold the following:

Yeah, that's right: they are really good at taking pictures of whiteboards. Which saves you oodles of time not copying it down on paper. Even better, with most camera phones you can e-mail the photo to your account as an attachment, then use it in a document or convert it to some other format like Word, Powerpoint, or MS Project. I've saved e-mailed whiteboard photos do my hard drive as JPG files, then slapped them unedited into a Word document with text and sent them off as e-mail to other groups. Very simple and effective.

A caveat: if your cell camera has low resolution, be prepared to edit the e-mailed file to get the words to show correctly - usually increasing the size of the images works fine if you've taken the pictures properly. Once you get your e-mailed photo, saving it as a JPG or GIF file helps in using the image in other documentation.

I knew these camera phones would eventually be good for doing something other than chatting...:)


At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your PM Weblog is my favorite web site. I often check it to get enlightened with sparkling ideas of my favorite Weblogger.
This one about better use of cell cameras is really great.I've never thought of that.
I could use it im my job with patients as well.I could take a photo of an intersting skin rash or other visible health problems before and after the treatment.
Of course, I should ask my patients for permission first.
Otherwise, I could lose my licence in a NY SEC.

At 7:12 AM, Blogger scott said...

We do this and also use WhiteboardPhoto ( to clean them up and make them more readable - very handy.


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